Monday, July 1, 2013

Cabinets galore!!

Almost ready for the counter top.

Wall ovens and cooktop will be on this wall.

Space for the dishwasher. Sink will be on the left, exhaust fan (already installed) on the right.

The cabinet installers have been working hard all day, but they have a lot of cabinets to place. They are concentrating on the kitchen today and tomorrow, then will move on to the restrooms. They know what they are doing and I think we will be pleased with the results. We actually have locking doors and drawers this time around.
   I'm so thankful that we finished the painting on Sunday. I can't imagine having to tape and paint around all of the cabinets and counter tops. Actually, I can imagine it. That's why I'm so grateful Wayside folks got the job done.

Painting a plenty!

Kitchen is painted! Bring on the cabinets!

The lighting doesn't do it justice, but here is another part of the kitchen.

Women's restroom painted. Yes, there will be wainscoting on the bottom.

A couple of weeks ago, folks at Wayside gathered to begin painting the exterior soffit of the renovation project. This last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we rallied to get the interior in order. Many people with many rollers (and brushes) primed and painted. When Sunday evening had rolled around (pun intended) we had:
     Completed the kitchen and the restrooms.
     Primed everything.
     Put a first coat of finish paint on areas that needed it--Fellowship Hall and hallways.
   The drywall folks will be back on Tuesday to texture areas of the Memorial Lounge and the Nursery ceiling. That will have to be primed before we start with a finish coat.
   We still need to put a second coat of paint on the front soffit, then we can paint the exterior body of the renovation. The back is ready to be painted.
  There is more painting ahead of us, but we did a great job of getting things ready for cabinets to go into the kitchen and restrooms.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Muddy Monday

Taping and mudding on Fellowship Hall wall.

New door and mudding in kitchen.

More mudding in kitchen with drying fan.

New door in back hallway. Exterior painting continues. The "yellow" is the
prime coat, not the finish color.

We passed the drywall nailing inspection last Friday, so the taping and mudding began today.
They brought in fans to help with the drying process. The seams are being mudded first then the "nail" holes (they are actually drywall screws) will be filled. I'm not sure how many layers of mud they put on before it is considered complete.
   The soffit on the back side now has two coats and we can begin painting the siding. We still need a second coat of soffit paint on the front. The interior beams continue to be a project of touching up. There is a coat of paint on the major sections, but it take a tall ladder or scaffold to reach some of the detail work.
   Come this weekend, we can probably use all the painters we can get--inside and out. While I was painting on Sunday evening, some of the Marshall Island fellows volunteered to stop by this weekend to help us. That will be great! Kommol tada! (thank you).

Thursday, June 13, 2013

More Painting to Come

Our doors have been re-hung.

Siding is going up.
  Today HHJ is covering the Tyvek with our new siding. The Hardie board is already primed, so once we get two coats of paint on the soffit, we can put a first coat of body paint on the siding. We have a crew of four this morning working on the soffit paint.

   The framing inspector did not show up yesterday, so maybe today. Once that is done, the insulation can be installed.

   By Friday afternoon, the temporary phone lines should disappear and we should have internet access at several points around the building and the Chapel.

   Let's hear it for Stepping Ahead!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Picture up-date

Inside Fellowship Hall--filling the gap.

New doorway from nursery to playground.

New sidewalk to back classrooms.

New sidewalk on Chapel side of Fellowship Hall.

New entry walk from parking lot to Fellowship Hall.

New windows and ready for siding.

Another view of a new window.
   Sorry that it has been awhile since the last up-date, but things have been happening around here. When I haven't been busy with pastoral things, I've been trying to help paint, along with many other Wayside folks. To date, we have primed the interior and exterior. Mostly a first coat of paint on the front soffit and we are making headway on the back.

   The wood/glass door from the Fellowship Hall to the parking lot has been re-installed. The interior beams have mostly received a first coat of paint. The smoke alarm system is being wired, along with telephone and data lines.

   Insulation was delivered today and the drywall should be delivered on Friday. They will start dry walling on Monday. Somewhere around the 24th or so, we will need to make a concerted effort on interior painting. In the meantime, we need to get two coats of paint on the soffits before we can begin painting the siding. The siding will pre-primed, so that will save one step.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

When it rains, they pour--some of it

Topping off the retaining wall.

From truck to form.

It's Thursday, it's May and it's rainy. That didn't stop with pouring of at least some of the concrete. Sidewalks were scheduled to be poured, but it is too wet for that. The workers did go ahead and pour the retaining wall. It will be easier to keep the water off this form than the sidewalk. It looks like sidewalks will go in next week.
  At Tuesday night's Men's Group, we did our usual "walk-about". Eric J. discovered what he perceived as a problem in the area leading from Fellowship Hall to the bridge going to the Chapel. There just didn't seem to be enough space for the door to open and people on the sidewalk (when it is poured) to get through. In other words, a real bottle neck. We looked at the plans and discovered that the present configuration was altered from the original plans. Talking to the contractor, that will be resolved and we will get our 5' sidewalk all the way along the back.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Less Dramatic

Form for retaining wall between Fellowship Hall and parking lot.

Car decking on the roof.

The construction this has been less dramatic than some other weeks, but still "Stepping Ahead".
As you can see from the top picture, they have built the forms for the retaining wall that will abut the sidewalk between the Fellowship Hall and parking lot. The crew is expecting to pour concrete this Thursday (5/23), which means no access to the Chapel for at least a day. It will be ready for the AA meeting on Friday night.
   Workers have started to lay the car decking on the roof. This will match up with the interior ceiling and extend to the edge of the roof on the outside. The windows are still scheduled to be installed on Tuesday, May 28th, after Memorial Day weekend.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Another Monday Progress Report

Fellowship Hall looking toward the kitchen.
The kitchen with the steel support.

Kitchen from a different angle.

Looking through the "pass through" window into the

One of these days I will figure out how to format this page.
   So today they have been working on outside walls and shoring up the beams in the kitchen. All of the unnecessary supports have been removed and you can get an idea of what the new kitchen area will look like. They are also working on the roof transition from Fellowship Hall to the Chapel. It will be interesting to see how that comes together. The architect, Chee Tung, assures me that it will be beautiful.
  On Sunday, one of the Elders of the Marshall Islands UCC asked when we are going to dedicate the new space. They want to come celebrate with us and I assured him they will get an invitation.
   Tune in again on Thursday or Friday and I will have another up-date.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday's Progress


   Things were not real hectic today, but steady progress is being made. The top two pictures show the glue/lam beam that has been installed for support of the kitchen roof. You can also see that they are starting to frame the kitchen.

   The bottom picture shows the end-caps that have been welded on the steel beams. I think the worker has one more cap to weld and he will be finished. Once the welding is done, HHJ can really start working on more of the framing. By this coming Sunday (5/12) you should be able to get an even  better picture of how it is going to look.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Worth Another Blog

   The top picture shows Fellowship Hall with the scaffolding down. I'm not sure if the fork-lifts have been moved off the slab yet, but that should happen soon. They are starting to do some framing.

  If you look closely at the framing in the bottom picture, this is the wall at the kitchen end of FH. It is not easy to make out, but there is an opening for the pass-through window. I didn't want to get in the way of the workers. Maybe Eric Johnson will stop by with his camera and post some better pictures on FB.

  Anyway, that's what things look like this afternoon.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Final Beam

   Today, May 1st, at approximately 2:45 pm, the final steel beam of the project was lifted into place.
They need to bolt it to the existing wooden beam and put the end supports in. The next challenge will be to get their fork lifts out of there. I think they have a plan.

   From here, HHJ begins to frame in the walls and the scaffolding will be removed. The other major beam(s) to go in will be some glue/lam beams in the kitchen.

  So here is the good news/bad news scenario. I did get some good video of the final beam being unloaded and hoisted into place. The down-side is that the video is too long to download to FB or You Tube. If you happen to be in worship on Sunday, we can have the video set up for you to watch in the Memorial Lounge or we may even take time during worship to watch it.

   Any way you look at it, progress is being made. Let's keep "Stepping Ahead".

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Then there were 5..wait, 6

Up we go with the beam.

Two beams in and one waiting to be lifted into place.

  The steel beams seemed to get off to a slow start, but now they are moving right along. As of today, there are six beams up--two more to go. The plan is to have all of the beams in by Thursday (May 2nd). Once they are in, framing of the walls begin, as well as getting the roof back on. The hope is to have the walls framed by May 14th. Sometime next week, all of the scaffolding will be removed.

  Stay tuned to the blog as things move along.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Ho-Hum Day

   After all of the excitement last Thursday and Friday, with the first steel beam arriving and being installed, this Monday was rather lackluster. The second beam is being welded/inspected this afternoon and should be delivered in the morning sometime.

  In the meantime, some of the other work goes on. Here you see a picture of our "open air" kitchen. They have constructed some temporary beams to hold up the rafters. Soon, glue-lam beams will be installed with permanent supports.


   Here you see the back side of the building where the restrooms and nursery will be. The workers have constructed a rafter that will span the hallway and extent over the sidewalk when it is poured.

   Folks who were in worship on Sunday had an opportunity to voice their preference for color scheme "A" or "B". That will be discussed tomorrow when we have our Owner's Meeting with HHJ.
I'll try to get some video of one of the beams being delivered and installed. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Beam me up, Scotty!

  Thursday, April 18th, 11:36 a.m.  The first steel beam has arrived! The question--How do they get it from the truck into position in Fellowship Hall? I'll let you know when I find out.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Look, Ma--no walls!

  Some of you may have seen a similar video on Face Book, but I can't figure out how to get the video off my phone to Picasa or from FB to Blog Spot. This is a brand new video and shows Fellowship Hall in its present condition--no walls.

   I mentioned in Tuesday Tidbits that the steel beams would be delivered today, but there has been an issue with the inspection schedule, so the beams may be delivered on Thursday or Friday. It will take about a week to get all of the beams and columns installed, so there should be plenty of time to stop by and see a work in progress.

  Enjoy the video.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Video-The walls come a tumblin' down

   This is my first attempt at posting a video on the blog. What you see is the walls of Fellowship Hall being dismantled. All of this is in preparation for the steel beams that will be installed on Monday, April 15th. By the weekend, Fellowship Hall will basically be a breeze-way filled with scaffolding. It will be a good view for the worshiping community on Sunday morning.
   The running time on the video is 1:03 (one minute and three seconds). Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Little by little

   One day the construction site will be hustle and bustle with people and machines going every which way, then things settle down. Today has been a day for tedious detail work. As you can see in first picture, some of the siding is beginning to come off. The roof is being "peeled" back even more and some of the glass is starting to come out. The rafters protruding from the building will be cut back and a cut will made along the bottom, parallel to the floor, so they will sit on the steel beams.

  Monday is the day designated for the beginning of steel installation. Once the beams are in, they will begin rebuilding the roof. The plumbing pipes for the kitchen and restrooms are going in, as well as the conduit for the electrical

   At our meeting on Tuesday, I told HHJ there was only one big complaint on Sunday. When the workers left on Friday night, they forgot to turn off the rain. Hopefully, future Sundays will be drier, but just in case, they are going to construct a simple, non-skid "sidewalk" from the parking lot to the side walk that leads to the classrooms.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hold on to the roof!

   Now my question is answered--how will they hold the roof up while the new steel beams (rafters) are being installed. Last week, workers were busy installing these devices in Fellowship Hall. Sometime this coming week, the outside walls/glass will be demolished to make way for the steel.  Right now, there is not much "wiggle room" in Fellowship Hall".

   The walkway to the bridge (leading to the Chapel) has been reconfigured once again to accommodate construction, but should remain pretty much the same for awhile.

   Don't forget, we are open for worship on Sundays!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Today's the day...


Insulation for the slab
Up and over the roof
Workers and watchers
Messy, messy, messy
Plastic and re-bar in place 

Cement truck hooked to pumper

It's obvious that I haven't figured out quite how to manipulate the pictures so you can piece them together in any order you wish. Just thought I would post some pictures of today's concrete pouring. This is the slab and stem wall going in today.