Saturday, November 24, 2007

Three Principles

When Gerry Wieder worked with focus groups during the summer, he talked about three principles from a book by Ray Bowman & Eddy Hall:

1. Principle of Focus (Motivation):

"A church should only build when it can do so without shifting its focus from ministering to people to building a building."

2. Principle of Use (Need/Necessity):

"A church needs more space only when it is fully using the space it already has."

3. Principle of Provision (Financing):

"A church should build only when it can do so within the income God has provided and without

using funds needed for the church's present and future ministries to people."

Although there is some "building" in our suggestions, many of the things you will notice have more to to with bringing our facility up-to-date so we can more efficiently use the space we have. With the three principles in mind, people from the focus groups came up with the following list of concerns about our facility. At this point, these items have not been prioritized:

>Women's and men's restrooms

>The acoustics and decor of Fellowship Hall

>The Nursery and Sunday School rooms

>The need for "more space" generally

>Expanded office space

>Storage space (or lack thereof)

A survey will soon be circulated to the members and friends of Wayside, to help the Church Council prioritize our needs/wants and to give people an opportunity to weigh in on how we would finance these plans. The intention is to have the survey available in hard copy and electronically.

The results of the survey should be known by mid-January.

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