Monday, July 1, 2013

Cabinets galore!!

Almost ready for the counter top.

Wall ovens and cooktop will be on this wall.

Space for the dishwasher. Sink will be on the left, exhaust fan (already installed) on the right.

The cabinet installers have been working hard all day, but they have a lot of cabinets to place. They are concentrating on the kitchen today and tomorrow, then will move on to the restrooms. They know what they are doing and I think we will be pleased with the results. We actually have locking doors and drawers this time around.
   I'm so thankful that we finished the painting on Sunday. I can't imagine having to tape and paint around all of the cabinets and counter tops. Actually, I can imagine it. That's why I'm so grateful Wayside folks got the job done.

Painting a plenty!

Kitchen is painted! Bring on the cabinets!

The lighting doesn't do it justice, but here is another part of the kitchen.

Women's restroom painted. Yes, there will be wainscoting on the bottom.

A couple of weeks ago, folks at Wayside gathered to begin painting the exterior soffit of the renovation project. This last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we rallied to get the interior in order. Many people with many rollers (and brushes) primed and painted. When Sunday evening had rolled around (pun intended) we had:
     Completed the kitchen and the restrooms.
     Primed everything.
     Put a first coat of finish paint on areas that needed it--Fellowship Hall and hallways.
   The drywall folks will be back on Tuesday to texture areas of the Memorial Lounge and the Nursery ceiling. That will have to be primed before we start with a finish coat.
   We still need to put a second coat of paint on the front soffit, then we can paint the exterior body of the renovation. The back is ready to be painted.
  There is more painting ahead of us, but we did a great job of getting things ready for cabinets to go into the kitchen and restrooms.